Are you thinking about starting your education at university? In such a case, you are probably wondering about the best place for your studies. Certainly, there is a wide variety of options to choose from, however, this article will show you some of the most crucial fact about Belgium which are certainly the advantages of this country when it comes to higher education. On top of that, it is especially true for Brussels.
Read this list of reasons for starting your education in Belgium and consider this choice!
A huge offer of educational programmes
Undeniably, the most crucial fact you should take into consideration is the offer of the education available in Belgium and it is really wide. You can check the lists of the respectable universities offering education on different specialisations in many Belgian cities and of course, in Brussels.
Belgium has a particularly great choice of programmes for MBA as well as EMBA. The variety of forms of education regarding the time they will require from you to choose from is also nice. You can easily find programmes which will allow you to combine education and work.
Low fees for tuition
Another great advantage of studying in Belgium is the fact you do not have to pay for your higher education a lot. This is certainly an amazing factor which absolutely must be considered during a choice of a place for studies.
In point of fact, Belgium is widely known for its affordable higher education. You can easily find the programmes with the fees as small as only 80 euro! At the same time, even though there are many more expensive programmes, still some 830 euro is usually the highest price you will come across. This is definitely crucial for any student.
The rich culture of Belgium and Brussels in particular
You probably know that Belgium has two official languages which are Dutch and French, however, this is the place and especially, its capital, where you will hardly have any problems in communication. In addition to it, you will also be able to find various cultural communities pretty easily.
Brussels is one of the leading cities in the world when it comes to the number of cultures and the number of spoken languages. Therefore, it does not matter which language you yourself are speaking, you will not feel lonely in Belgium. In addition to it, it is a perfect place to study other languages.
Some of the greatest communities you can find in Brussels are Turkish, Portuguese, Bulgarian, Polish, German, Romanian, French, Moroccan, Spanish and Italian.
A perfect place for exploration of Europe
The period of your life when you do not have any other specific responsibilities apart from studies is a perfect time for travelling and you will have a lot of amazing opportunities to do it if you choose Belgium as a country to study at university.
The major reason for it is the fact Belgium itself is pretty small whereas it is surrounded by the top world tourist destinations. You can easily reach almost any country of west Europe from Belgium and if you are interested in exploring the rest of the parts of Europe, you will be pleasantly surprised by the transport communication between these locations and the affordable prices of travelling. Actually, the majority of the European countries can be visited by plane for less than 50 euro. Moreover, the close proximity to different countries will make it easy for you to travel by other means of transport.
If you are coming from one of the countries which require having a visa for entering Belgium, you will also like the fact the visa given in Belgium is of the Schengen type which means you will be able to visit other Schengen European countries without a need of applying for separate visas. Note that the majority of the countries of the European Union are in fact the countries of the Schengen agreement.
Fantastic entertainment
If you have already read some of the article on our blog, you have certainly learnt about the fantastic entertainment waiting for the residents and visitors of Belgium. Isn’t it a great factor determining where to spend your student years?
By the way, Belgium is also frequent destination of many world-known artists coming to concerts and festivals. The number of festivals is particularly impressive in Belgium. Some of the most famous of them are Rock Wrechter, Brussels Jazz Marathon as well as Binche.
And most importantly. In my experience, Belgian university degrees are respected around the world